
About Us


Never Hungry Again is dedicated to ending poverty and improving many lives. Everyday we give our best, so that the world of tomorrow is a better one. Our team and I will never give up our dream of a world without hunger, poverty and hate. For reaching this goal, we are constantly working and fighting.
-Hopefully, with you on our side!
Gaillard J. Wilson

Our Story

The urge in my heart to create a non-governmental organization to help fighting poverty around the world grew during my time in the Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO) of her Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom, or how it was called when I began: Department for International Development (DFID)

Some may now ask themselves how this came about. Allow me to explain:

I started my work at the DFID in the department for supporting academicals funds like Mashall or Chevening scholarship, before I began my work 2008 in the department, who was mostly responsible for the Global Innovation Fund. A fund, who invests in innovations with the potential to positively impact the lives of people around the world, who were living on less than 5$ per day. For this work, I had the opportunity to talk to experts, volunteers and caring souls in matters of education, poverty etc. all over the world and as well to travel to the most beautiful countries – but unfortunately at the same time the poorest. My team and I were motivated to change things and I guess we were able to do so but not as much as I hoped. Everyday there was a new struggle. Every day the same questions how to spend the money. Because the money was the owned by the government, we couldn´t spend it as we pleased. There was a lot of administration behind it. Many formulas. Many signature needed - it was a slow process. A slow process, were the world and especially the people needed help quickly and immediately. Not tomorrow. Not next week. Now. With every year that was coming by, it was frustrating me. I loved my work. I loved the feeling, that my work as a deep meaning. This feeling grew - until I decided to make it better. Faster, more focused and more efficient. 2021 I left the DFID, then called FCDO and started to built-up my own NGO. I have chosen Geneva in Switzerland as my headquarters for serval reasons. Two of them were, that the United Nations do has his headquarter there as well and as well many other international operating NGO's. Never Hungry Again is a relatively young organization in comparison to well-known and highly deserved praised international non-governmental organizations. However, this does not mean that we are less determined to make a change to the world and its people. As the CEO and Founder of Never Hungry Again, I want to leave my hopefully positive mark on this world. I don't want to give the next generation a broken world in their hands. I want to give them a world full of love, warmth, hope and peace. And I don't hope
- I know that this organization will do it's best to help me achieving this goal.

Omar Toure

Regional Project Manager for Africa

Gaillard J. Wilson


Liam Moore

Regional Project Manager for Asia Pacific