
No one can do everything, but everyone can do something, and together we can change the world

Being hungry impacts everything in those people's lives. Children who are hungry don't do as well in school as others - if they are able to go at all. They feel weak. Are concentrated and tired. Babies who don't get the right nutrition early in life may never reach their full potential as adults.

Conflict and climate change have caused food insecurity to increase every year over the last years. If we just watch and don't act, 1.4 billion people could be hungry by 2050.

With your help, Never Hungry Again brings life-saving food and nutrition assistance to people. With our partner all over the world, we reach even those in need in the most remote areas. If necessary with planes.

'Doing good
to others is
not a duty.
It is a joy.'

Hunger doesn't know age, gender, sexuality or race - it just knows death

But to get to zero hunger, food is not enough. The right nutrition at the right time can save and change lives and build resilient and prosperous communities and nations. Poor nutrition remains a colossal and universal problem, with one in three people in the world affected by some form of malnutrition. Undernutrition - inadequate energy or nutrients - continues to affect more than 150 million children worldwide.

Malnutrition at its extremes can be a matter of life an death, and in the long term can hold back people and countries, undermining economies and development. Especially children are in danger.

But together, we can make a change.

Never Hungry Again works with governments, local partners and other organizations in more than 35 countries to support school meals and health initiatives. School meal programs also act as an incentive for families to enroll their children in school. Relieving parents from having no budges for lunches, they lead to saving of about 10 % of the income of vulnerable households.

Never Hungry Again will continue to support those programs and pursue the goal of every child to have access to a daily healthy meal in school till to our highest goal: To end hunger at all!

How Never Hungry Again's work helps to create a world without hunger Learn More


- for you and the next generation

Help Never-Hungry-Again fullfill its goal: No hunger. No poverty. No hate


Hunger doesn't know age, gender, sexuality or race - it just knwos death

Up to 783 million people do not have enough food.More than 40 million people in 51 countries are at 'emergency' or worse levels of hunger