
Food is the most basic of human needs

Food is the most basic of human needs. It is essential not just for the health of individuals but also that of communities, which, in turn, affects the health of national economies. Apart from its nutritional value, food systems are crucial to our economies. Neverhungryagain helps local farmer to manage natural resources sustainably. Our interventions - involving soil conservation and fertility measures, water harvesting and flood control - bolster agro-ecological productivity and reduce the loss of biodiversity. We rehabilitate irrigation schemes and develop water sources for domestic use, for agriculture and aquaculture, and for livestock rearing; improve forestry and agroforestry management through afforestation, tree nurseries and seed collection; cut overgrown vegetation in abandoned and previously cultivated areas; and remove debris from agricultural areas after floods and landslides. We provide smallholders with farming supplies - seed and fertilizer - on credit, and agriculture training services, to enable them to increase and sustain their farms' production. Besides accessing credit options, farmers also benefit from market facilitation through storage solutions and marketing training.

'I want to tell you about
the most hopeful thing in the world. It is a seed.'

Hunger doesn't know age, gender, sexuality or race - it just knows death

Never Hungry Again activities are closely integrated with related climate, smallholder and engineering activities, to ensure that assets such as rehabilitated feeder roads and bridges, schools, latrines, water reservoirs, market places, storage facilities and fuel efficient stoves all contribute to improved physical access to markets and services and improved access to energy. Where feasible and appropriate we transfer the responsibility for carrying out these tasks to our beneficiaries themselves – in effect, assisting them to develop and manage their own assets. As they build up their own nutritional status and communal wellbeing over the long term, vulnerable households receive food and cash assistance to cover their immediate food needs.